We think before we act.

Identity is a multidisciplinary team of ‘youngish’ designers, strategists, and content creators from around the world. We’re a creative agency that loves working with good people to create — something special.




We thrive on challenging the old and ordinary, breathing life into your brand with fresh ideas that defy expectations. Beyond mere graphics, we are champions of design, relentless in our pursuit of creating powerful, beautiful, and compelling brands. Identity is driven by a core mission—use creativity and influence to change the world and impact culture.

Our creative approach is like a chameleon – it changes and grows based on each client and project. We don’t have fancy labels for the different steps in our process, but what we do have is a healthy dose of intellegance. We’re firm believers that to crack a problem wide open, you’ve got to talk it out. Look at it from all angles, have a. good ol’ discussion, maybe throw in a friendly debate. It’s all about dissecting, examining the pieces, and then piecing it all back together. And you know what? We’re in this together. It’s all about chats, contemplating, and teaming up.